Saturday, April 3, 2010


I want to share this cute story that a customer told me to create a custom painting . She and her husband met four years ago on a trip to Holland.They love the memory so much that they named their baby,Holland.They had seen my art work and she contacted me to paint a memory as a surprise gift for her husband. She wanted me to do a street painting of Amsterdam and incorporate strawberries somehow. They thought it was so neat how they gathered the strawberries from a stand then walked inside the shop to pay for them. They walked down the street eating the fresh ,ripe,juicy strawberries and her husband to be said... ,"these are the best strawberries I ever ate". What a sweet memory! Doesn't everything taste better when you are in love?

Friday, March 12, 2010

Customized Paintings

Creating a custom painting for someone can be a challenge. Recently a customer described what they wanted and even commented that I should take some artistic freedom when creating the painting. Well I started on the painting, and was not happy with how it was developing, so, I started over. Putting the project behind schedule. Now I am concerned about the amount of time it is taking. The customer was very sweet about it and said there was no hurry. When the pressure of time was off, I was able to complete the painting (earlier than I thought), and I am very happy with the results. Today I am sending it to the customer and I am sure she will love it! So many people know what they want in a painting, but can not find it anywhere. Often they just want a painting that will convey a moment in their life, a snapshot that was never taken. Although it is sometimes challenging, I really enjoy fulfilling these requests. The happiness that a person feels when they look at the painting gives me joy. To know they will enjoy it and it will be a discussion piece for years to come is very satisfying. Yes custom work can be difficult and even risky, it is very much worth the effort and is rewarding in many ways. If you have an idea, a moment in time you want captured, or even the perfect painting in colors to match your decor, I would love to create it for you. Visit me at I hope you will soon!

Monday, February 8, 2010

zebra print furniture

I have just completed a really cute night stand.It has a rounded front and delicate legs.I've been zebra striping several pieces which has generated a lot of interest.I originally planned on putting an antique finish on it but when the striping was complete I just loved the crisp contrast the black stripes made against the white background, so I left it alone.This piece would look great in a bedroom beside a bed covered in almost any solid color.That's the great thing about black & white, it goes with almost any color.The bed could also be adorned with a few zebra print pillows.The key to a sucessful use of zebra print is use it on only a few decorative items throughout the room.This night stand makes a bold statement in any room you decide to place it in.More photos of this and other decorative items can be viewed at How do you decorate with animal prints?I'd love to hear your comments!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Creating is hard work

If you think that being a creative person means that the next painting comes are soooooo wrong. Just stand in front of a blank canvas for a few minutes. Now you have to create something that is distinctive, has broad appeal and will work for the decor of the client. Now add in a teenager who barges into your studio every 5 minutes asking for something--no--lets make that two teenagers, one husband, two cats and a screaming telephone, a door bell, and a laundry dryer buzzer. Maybe I will just paint this scene, some hipster from New York may think it is cute.....WHOE!!! But I do love it!!!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

You might be a French Cafe Kitchen junkie if.....

You have 5 or more little french chef figurines in your kitchen

You are wearing or own a pair of underwear with the chef, a wine bottle, a grape vine, or coffee cup on them

You call Velveeta, the Formage

You supress the urge to kidnap Emerell (spelling) and keep him as a pet

You wear a tall fluffy hat when you make a pb&j sandwich

You say La before every word

You have more than one picture of the eiffel tower in your house

You are collecting old wine bottles, corks or anything that has Frenchy French writing on it and your spouse has begged you to throw it away.

You are thinking of several lines to add to this right now!!!!